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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

Blurred vision, double vision, diffuse light, careful of cataract disease.

Blurred vision, double vision, diffuse light, careful of cataract disease. If you are 50 years old or older and experience problems with blurred vision. Blurred, like there’s a ceiling or fog covering it. see different colors distorted from the original Need more light to see Cataracts may come and visit. It

High blood pressure Left untreat there is danger of “dementia”.

High blood pressure Left untreated, there is danger of “dementia”. High blood pressure (Hypertension) is a type of chronic disease. that affect the circulatory system Because every organ within the body Depends on blood circulation untreated high blood pressure Can cause damage to almost all organs of the body. And one organ that

Danger signs cataract disease, early symptoms that can observe

Danger signs of cataract disease, early symptoms that can observe. The eyes are a very important organ in our lives. And even though you don’t have any risky behavior for your eye health , there are many factors in your life, such as using your eyesight in daily

Tire the point of being unable to physically and mentally

7 danger signs Tire to the point of being unable to physically and mentally Mouth says it’s okay. But inside I couldn’t take it anymore. Or my heart is sad but I still force a smile and laugh. I would like to say that don’t force it if you